Samuel C Lees

Samuel C Lees has been a professional guitarist since the age of 16.  Over the last 25 years his musical journey has seen him working alongside many artist, absorbing and mastering many styles of music.  Browse the web site and you will find original material in the style of rock, rock blues, jazz and… well just about anything that inspired those finger tips to play guitar.

Samuel’s journey started when he packed up his guitar and ran off to Wales to play guitar for Ray Phillips of Budgie.  With only one week’s notice to the first tour date; Samuel had a job to get mum and dad on board with this project. ‘The Apprentice’ toured all over the UK with Budgie learning his trade and quickly building a reputation as a guitar player that can get the job done.

Yet, all good things must come to an end and Samuel came home with tales to tell and a desire to form his own band and work on his own projects. Projects like Texas Flood, inspired by the playing style of SRV, or The Washington Lees Experiment, a successful collaboration with Steve Tate, one of the UK’s experienced session drummers and, of course, the Samuel C Lees Band.  Special times that enabled him to tour with artist like Jack Bruce, Robben Ford or open for Joe Bonnamassa, Walter Trout, Robin Trower and Yngwie J Malmsteen.

Of course a good guitar player is always learning and Samuel is no exception.  Having always been inspired by Django Reinhardt and those amazing gypsy jazz guitar players, over time he forged quite a reputation as a gypsy jazz guitar player himself. Playing and performing with guitarist like Lollo Mayer, Fappy Lafertan, Robin Nolan and young up and coming players that he met on the gypsy jazz circuit.  Samuel recorded two gypsy jazz albums ‘All About Time’ and ‘On The Move’.  The latter being released on Hot Club Records, one of the most respected gypsy jazz labels.

 Samuel loves his guitars and all things relating to them.  This enthusiasm had been used in his role as an instrument demonstrator. He has demonstrated for companies like Fender, Gibson, Marshall and many more.  Presently, you can find Samuel on You Tube singing the praises of G&L guitars and Roland amps.  He has produced (all by himself I might add) amazingly, informative videos to show how you can get the best sound, tone (brew) from the guitar or amp he is showcasing that day.  This also showcases his composing skills as Samuel writes and records all of the demo tracks. Not bad eh?

So… this brings us up to date with Samuel’s journey.  His latest release ‘All Cleaned Up’ takes him full circle and back to the electric guitar.  It reflects his journey as a guitarists and a writer, showcasing this guitarist’s amazing versatility with his instrument. Samuel still loves to play with his friends in his hometown jazz club shredding out gypsy jazz tunes or on the rock circuit with his classic rock band Burn.   He also spends time in his studio (his ‘happy place’) laying down new ideas for his solo electric projects.  I’ve also heard he teaches budding guitarist at his local high school, but that could be just a nasty rumour.