Hussein Haddad
Out of the depths of the Brazilian rainforest comes Hussein Haddad, an enthusiastic and talented young guitarist who has been in love with the instrument since his early teens.
One day back in 2004, after seeing Guns ‘n’ Roses on television, he decided that that was what he wanted to do with his life. It didn’t take long before he started playing out with bands while studying hard to perfect his technique.
At the age of 19 Haddad began making a living playing at proms and weddings, however, his native Boa Vista, in the north western Brazilian state of Roraima was a bit too small for his dreams.
He left for the big city and arrived in São Paulo in 2010 where he was exposed to new artists and sounds.
His influences are far and wide but these guy’s are important to mention; Guthrie Govan, Brett Garsed, Julian Lage, Alex Hutchings, Slash, Frank Solari.
Hussein “ Hawk picks are by far the best pick I’ve ever used”